
Writing Samples

Course Design


HSS University is an LMS hosted by Cornerstone and provides on-demand learning and performance management. It is the central learning hub for the new employee onboarding process, HR and compliance courses, and professional development training at Hospitality Staffing Solutions (HSS). I am the system administrator for HSSU and I also develop and update all of onboarding courses and manage the site.


Workers Compensation 101 Workers Compensation 101 provides an overview of how to manage risk, exposure, liabilities & work-place injuries/illness at HSS. It is geared towards our field supervisors who manage teams at our client properties. Designed using Articulate Storyline, the instructional strategy incorporates interspersed knowledge checks to force recall and provide spaced practice. Animated videos were designed to introduce key concepts and elaborate using authentic scenario-based problems modeled on common challenges faced in the field.


New Employee Onboarding Workers Compensation 101 provides an overview of how to manage risk, exposure, liabilities & work-place injuries/illness at HSS. It is geared towards our field supervisors who manage teams at our client properties. Designed using Articulate Storyline, the instructional strategy incorporates interspersed knowledge checks to force recall and provide spaced practice. Animated videos were designed to introduce key concepts and elaborate using authentic scenario-based problems modeled on common challenges faced in the field.


HR 101 Curriculum The HR 101 curriculum provides a general overview of HR policies at HSS. Delivered as four modules HR 101 replaces a series of live webinar sessions. This curriculum is used for new employee onboarding and covers: Workers Compensation, Compliance, Employee Performance Management and Leaves of Absence. In an effort to link organizational goals and reinforce best practices I embedded HSS Core Values into scenarios developed for the modules.


Avionte Staffing Software Training Used for both employee and customer management this curriculum provides a comprehensive introduction to the Avionte staffing software. Avionte is widely used at HSS both in the field and corporate offices. Consisting of 8 modules each provides practical and critical procedural training. A key constraint was that I had to incorporate generic how-to videos designed by Avionte. To personalize each module and add relevance, I developed activities, using authentic problem-based scenarios, modeled on the common challenges learners experience in the field. This was designed using Articulate Storyline


The College Essay Writing Tutorial (CEWT) is an online course that incorporates strategies of authentic practice, self-assessment, peer review, feedback and reflection in order to improve college admissions essays.


Why Think About Media Propaganda? The goal of this course is to help you develop the skills of media propaganda analysis. The lessons are designed to promote critical thinking, awareness and discussion about the devices of media propaganda. After completing the course you should be able to recognize, understand and analyze the seven most commonly used propaganda devices in mass media.

Media Literacy

As an Intro to Media Literacy lesson I created a personal and compelling story that begins with a child’s perspective.  I draw a parallel between a child’s curiosity  and confusion with the subtext of stories around her and the hidden messages within media. I wanted to convey the idea that there are often messages hidden within the information we encounter. If we learn to ask the right questions we can begin to decode the untold part of the stories that we encounter.


Early examples of using storytelling to personalize & simplify concepts. Created with GoAnimate.

Risk Management: This video introduces the topic of risk management to new hires at HSS. Designed as part of the workers compensation e-learning module, this animation aims to personalize & simplify the concept of risk management overall.

Overcome The Curve: This is a trailer I created for my portfolio. Designed to market my services and illustrate the benefits of instructional design support.


Writing Samples